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20 September 2018

Machine Learning Glossary And Resources

by xoxo Holla

Encyclopedia Machina


Machine Learning(ML), as an area of focus in computer and data science, has a lot of jargon that can send you down rabbit holes. It’s definitely happened to me! So, with that in mind, I’m creating a directory of common terms, resources for extra learning, open source libraries that I’ve used and for what purpose, and my two cents on whether it’s worth diving down that rabbit hole to know more. This post will most definitely be updated as I learn throughout my mentorship and beyond.

TLDR/Getting started with ML as a concept

I don’t have a lot of time to read: check out David Fumo’s intro to different ML algorithms here.

I have _some_ time to read:

I’ve got all the time to learn at my own pace:

Gimme all the terms!

Libraries! I want them all!

For the command line

I want to start learning ML but I don’t know what data I should study

Welcome to ze place for inspiration!
